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History of CEAB

The first Biomedical Engineering Department was first introduced in 2007 under the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Faculty, Khulna Engineering University of Engineering and Technology (KUET), Khulna 9203, Bangladesh. The Biomedical Engineering Department was conducted for post-graduation degrees such as M.Sc. Engineering, M. Phil, and Ph.D. in Biomedical. One Lecture was appointed in this department. His name is Mr. Mynul Islam and his educational qualification was a bachelor of electrical and electronic engineering from K010, the most dynamic Prof. Dr. Ahmad recommended admitting three students under the Biomedical Engineering program for Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering. The three students completed their degrees on time. Among them are two students abroad for Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering.  One of them, Mr. Md. Anwar Hossain has been serving as Biomedical Engineering Manager under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare since 1992. For the benefit of the Bangladeshi nation, he wished to make a global chain in this field. However, the Osaka Jeki College of Japan launched an international conference for the development of Clinical Engineering in Asian countries.  The title of the conference was “The First Forum of Asian Clinical Engineering” (FFACE-2012). FFACE was sent an invitation to submit a conference paper on Clinical Engineering. As governmental representatives of Bangladesh, Mr. Md. Anwar Hossain and A.B.M. Siddique were sent a conference paper to FFACE in -2012. The research paper was accepted by FFACE-2012. He completed a Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering in 2012 from KUET under the supervision of Dr. Prof. Mohiuddin Ahmad and get admission to    Ph. D program in Japan. In 2012 he was invited by FFACE-2012. The research paper was published by FFACE-2012.In 2012; he was invited to a scholarship for a Ph.D. Programs from developed countries. But because of limitations of family and government service, he could not attend the scholarship.   This student was very much impressed by the dedication of Prof. Dr. M. Ahmad, Md. S. U. Islam Associate Professor in EEE of KUET, and got admission into the Ph.D. program under the   Biomedical Engineering Department with peer approval from his official authority. He was lucky that Dr. Prof. M. Ahmad was selected as his program supervisor for Ph.D. Meanwhile, he continued his communication with different countries to build his career in biomedical engineering but his deep attention was on the field of clinical engineering.  All communications and records were shared by Mr. Md. Anwar Hossain with his respected Supervisor, Prof. Dr. Ahmad. After the end of the prescribed courses for the Ph.D. Programs by Mr. Hossain, Dr. Ahmad, and Mr. S. Yusuf of KUET have advised their beloved students to research the development of clinical engineering in Bangladesh for hospitals to improve their present healthcare delivery. Accordingly, lots of emails and information were sent to Mr. Kazuo, Umekage, and the secretary of Osaka Jeiki College, Japan.  Good feedback is obtained from Japan to inaugurate an ICET at KUET as an individual Institute. From this perspective, a team was constructed by M. Ahmad to develop a project for establishing the ICET to produce CEs and CETs in Bangladesh with the association of OSAKA JIEKI, COLLEGE, Japan. Accordingly, the honorable VC of KUET sent the project paper to OSAKA JIEKI, COLLEGE, NEMEMW & TC, MoH & FW. Due to unavoidable circumstances and country contexts, the project became slow and restarted to improve again. Several meetings were conducted with M. Ahmad, M.A. Hossain, AKM Rahman, and others. The last meeting was held on 15 August 2015 and accordingly, a team from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare was invited by ICE HTMC -2015 which was held in Hangzhou, China. M. A. Hossain presented the current situation of CE in Bangladesh. Special attention was given by Yadin David, WHO Representative A. Hamid, Representative of JACET, and many others. Two meetings were held in China to improve the Clinical Engineering Services in the hospitals of Bangladesh. According to the linked work, A. Hamid and his team visited Bangladesh coordinating with MA Hossain and AKM Rahman. Lastly, a meeting was held in MOH & FW, Bangladesh secretariat on 19/02/2016. More than 25 participants attended the conference from different ministries and Health organizations in Bangladesh. In a motivational presentation by MA Hossain, discussion among A, Hamid, and AKM Rahman, about 99% of participants gave a vote of thanks and opined to launch CEAHT like other countries to improve the HCTM as well as NCED and CED in modern hospitals of Bangladesh. Dr. AKM Rahman has given continuous input to edit the policy for CEAHT. Mr. M. A. Hossain was encouraged by different sources to develop HTM in Bangladesh. For the first stage, he submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Bangladesh to uplift the present NEMEMW & TC as NCED and DEME as CED. More than 450 manpower was proposed by NEMEMW and TC. Now the Program is waiting to mature.  Finally, a meeting was held at NEMEMEMW & TC on 25/06 /2016 in the office room of Mr. M. A. Hossain and the draft proposal for the Clinical Engineering Association of Bangladesh was reviewed by Dr. A. K. M. Rahman, Prof. Dr. M. Ahmad, and other key participants. The draft was composed by Mr. M.A. Hossain and thus the CEAHT was launched on 10/10/2017 and it is approved by the certificate shown in the “CERTIFICATION “. Now it is reputed as Clinical Engineering Association-Bangladesh (CEAB).


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Welcome Notice of CEAB

"Clinical Engineering Association-Bangladesh" has been established and its activities have been increased over the years. Most of the potential members have opined that the activity of this organization was necessary and improvement system is a continuous. Today, more than 80 members are listed in this organization. This organization has become capable to build an awareness of health technology management (HTM) personnel such as medical professional, bio-medical engineer, electro-medical engineer, conventional electro-medical engineer, critical care nurse and medical technologist. We hope that, this organization will bring an excellent patient outcomes related to the medical devises by applying clinical engineering (CE-HTM) practice.

With the warmest regards
Dr. Engr. Md. Anwar Hossain
Founder General Secretary

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